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Thank you for the privilege of representing you as I strive to be a strong and effective conservative voice in the Texas Senate.
Texans in SD 10 want a state senator who will fight any encroachment on our freedoms, rights, and liberties. They want strong border security, property tax relief, a fighter for the unborn, a defender of Second Amendment rights, and a champion for education freedom.
That has been my record in the Texas Legislature, and with your support I will continue to fight for you. I hope you’ll stay informed by signing up for my newsletter below.
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Today, I filed SB 10, priority legislation that would require Texas’ public schools to once again display the Ten Commandments in classrooms. SB 10 follows the historic 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision which overturned a faulty legal precedent used since 1980 to prohibit these displays. The Ten Commandments are part of our Texas and American story. […]
I hope everyone is enjoying this brief respite from cold winter weather and the needed rains from this past week. It looks like we will begin the week with sunshine and temps in the 70s and possibly the 80’s in some parts of SD 10. Enjoy! In the meantime, here’s an update on what is […]
At the beginning of last week, many of our state leaders and officeholders were in Washington, D.C. for President Trump’s inauguration. I spent much of the week preparing for the important work ahead on my various committees. Tuesday, January 28, is the first meeting of the Senate Education K-16 Committee, on which I serve. […]