Builders thank King

April 15, 2007

Wise County Messenger

By Tony Cummings, Associated Builders and Contractors of North Texas – Irving

Economic prosperity and government regulation don’t mix, and we need to keep an eye on an important debate going on in Austin. For years, Texas has been able to benefit from a business friendly environment, but we can’t take that for granted.

Some legislators are calling for retroactive approval of the pending sale of TXU. Regardless of how one may feel about the merits of the sale, the proposed SB 896 is not only a violation of our state Constitution (see Art. I, Sec. 16), it also sends a message that Texans favor regulation over sound business practices.

Thankfully, Rep. Phil King of Weatherford is taking a principled stand for promoting lower electricity rates and preserving our strong business climate. A private company with strong Fort Worth ties has stepped forward to cut electric rates and bring a new approach at TXU. Now, legislators are attempting to give bureaucrats the authority to reject the deal – after the purchase has been announced! That is a terrible precedent which sends a bad message about doing business in Texas. On behalf of Associated Builders and Contractors of North Texas, representing 240 small business owners across north Texas, I want to publicly thank Representative Phil King for fighting bad legislation for consumers and business.