Craddick Appoints King to the Select Committee on Property Tax Relief and Appraisal Reform

April 25, 2008

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(Austin) – Speaker Tom Craddick (R-Midland), this week, appointed State Representative Phil King (R-Weatherford) to the Select Committee on Property Tax Relief and Appraisal Reform. The committee will oversee all matters related to property tax relief and reforming the property appraisal system.

“The people of House District 61 will benefit from having a reform-minded taxpayer advocate, such as Representative King, on this committee,” Speaker Craddick said. “Representative King is committed to easing the tax burden on property owners, and his experience will be an asset to this committee.”

The committee will review the sections of the Texas Constitution and the tax code that limit or authorize limiting the appraised value or increases in the appraised value of property for tax purposes. It may request assistance from any executive branch agency, and it will issue a report to the House of Representatives before the 81st Legislative Session, which may include draft legislation or recommendations for legislation.

“The property tax system is broken beyond repair,” King said. “It should be methodically phased out through a dedication of state tax surplus and sales tax revenue. It is a barrier to home ownership and propels Texans into foreclosure. Real, permanent cuts in property taxes will put real money into consumer pockets and be a tremendous economic stimulus to Texas.”

King is serving his fifth term as the state representative for House District 61. He is the chair of the House Regulated Industries Committees. Rep. King is also a member of the House Civil Practices Committee and the House Redistricting Committee, and he currently sits on the Select Committee on Electric Generation Capacity and Environmental Effects.