King Letter to Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District
October 20, 2008
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The following letter was sent to the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District by Representative Phil King on October 20, 2008:
Mr. Mike Massey
Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District
Mr. Massey –
It has come to my attention that the proposed 2009 budget for the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District (UTGCD) has a line item of $200,000 for legal services. As you know from my previous letter to the board, I am very concerned with the size of the proposed budget and the manner in which the proposed funding would be generated.
I’m writing this letter to ask the board to substantially decrease the size of the line item for legal services. For a budget of less than $950,000, a $200,000 legal services line item seems gratuitous. That’s more than one fifth of the entire annual budget.
As I expressed in my previous letter, if the board does not take action on substantially reducing the size of its budget and the fees it is proposing, I will be left no choice but to pursue legislative action. I appreciate your serious consideration of this matter and look forward to a prompt response.
Phil King