King Lauds Great Strides Made by Legislative Tea Party Caucus

February 23, 2011

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State Representative Phil King (R-Weatherford) today lauded the great strides made by the Texas Legislative Tea Party Caucus, which was only organized a few weeks ago. The caucus, third largest in the legislature with 57 members, held an orientation for Tea Party groups from all across Texas. Over 300 Tea Party organizers, representing hundreds of thousands of voters, came to Austin for the orientation two weekends ago.

“The idea was to have the first ever citizens’ orientation similar to what newly elected legislators receive before session,” King, who serves as Vice-Chair of the caucus, explained, “Our goal is to keep Texans informed of the process in order for them to help us understand how best to serve the state.”

In addition to the orientation, over the past month the caucus has met with many Tea Party organizers from around the state. The purpose was to listen to what they believe are the major issues they want the legislature to address this session. Topping the list was balancing the budget without raising taxes. As a result of these meetings, the caucus set an agenda for the session that reflects their support for these major issues.

Texas Legislative Tea Party Caucus Statement of Principle

It is the purpose and intent of the members of the Texas Legislative Tea Party Caucus to promote and secure:

• a balanced budget without increased taxation;

• a secure Texas border and an end to illegal immigration;

• the reassertion of the 10th Amendment and repeal of all federal laws in contradiction thereof;

• election integrity, including passage of voter identification legislation;

• advancement of Texans’ 2nd Amendment rights.

“The statement of principle is made up of the top five issues that Tea Party organizers across Texas brought to us,” King stated, “They represent the kind of limited government, conservative values that the Tea Party has come to stand for.”