King: EPA Rule Killing Texas Jobs

September 12, 2011

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The following statement may be attributed to State Representative Phil King (R-Weatherford):

“Today, Luminant, the largest power generating company in Texas, announced they will be cutting approximately 500 Texas jobs due to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) that was recently implemented by the federal agency. The rule sets unrealistic goals for emissions reductions in just a matter of months thus forcing Luminant and many other power generating companies to shut down some of their power generating plants, resulting in a loss of jobs. This rule is yet another example of how out of control the federal government under President Obama’s administration has become. Economists estimate that this rule will result in the loss of tens of thousands of jobs and cause a dramatic increase in electric prices.

In a time of economic turmoil it is inconceivable that the Obama Administration would pursue such job-killing policies. Texans should stand up and be heard that this EPA rule and other policies that threaten and encroach on our sovereignty will not be tolerated.”

Click here to read Representative King’s recent op-ed on EPA’s new rules.