King Expresses Frustration with High Stakes Testing

March 11, 2013

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(817) 381-8282

AUSTIN – State Representative Phil King (R-Weatherford) today expressed his frustration with high stakes testing and the public education system’s test-driven accountability system. As former Commissioner Robert Scott has stated, testing has become “a perversion of its original intent.” The heavy emphasis on testing as a measure of success in Texas public schools is failing our students.

“There is a better way to measure teacher, school, and student accomplishments than to have an education based primarily on testing,” King stated, “We must relieve districts of these burdensome mandates so schools can transition over to student-centered education. This will not only help school districts to manage their budget in tough economic times, but it will allow our students to receive a high-quality education where they will become more competitive and prepared.”

King went on to explain that there is a time and place for testing, however, it was never meant to be the main focus of our children’s education and such an arduous task for our teachers and faculty. Educators need to be given the flexibility to apply a range of learning experiences for our students to create high-quality education that is a well-rounded experience for all students.

“That is why I filed H.B. 290, which will allow school districts to have options and flexibility in testing their students,” King stated, “Schools would have the ability to select an assessment test that best fits their unique community.”

King said he has a strong belief that our local school boards and superintendents should have the ability to manage their funds and programs in a manner that best fits their community, and that history proves that local control remains the best system for managing education.

H.B. 290 will be heard in a public hearing in the House Committee on Public Education tomorrow, March 12th, at the Texas Capitol.