King Discusses Pro-Family Legislation

April 12, 2013

State Representative Phil King

Friend –

As this legislative session moves along I wanted to update you on some of the important pro-family legislation my colleagues and I are working on to help strengthen religious liberty and protect the unborn.

One of the key pieces of pro-life legislation moving through the process is H.B. 2364, The Pre-Born Pain Act. This bill prohibits the performance of abortions after 20 weeks, making sure that abortions are never performed on unborn children capable of feeling pain. This bill will present attorneys fighting the legal battle against abortion in federal courts a new, unique approach to fight against the taking of the life of unborn children.

I am also proud to support a couple of very important religious liberty bills this session. First, HJR 110, is a constitutional amendment that says the state government may not burden a person’s freedom of religion. This bill is made necessary by recent misguided court cases in Texas disallowing students to say prayers at high school football games. H.B. 1525, the Religious Equal Access Act protects the right of a religious organization to gather and meet in public. H.B. 1525 codifies into Texas law the findings of the U.S. Supreme Court ensuring that all speech is protected and allowed in government-owned properties in our state, and prohibits school districts from treating religious organizations differently than they treat secular organizations regarding access to school campuses during non-instructional hours.

These are just a few of the bills the legislature is working on to help protect family values in Texas. All of them have an uphill battle, but I am committed to fighting for their passage. It is so important that we all continue to battle the moral decay of society in our homes, schools, churches, and halls of the legislature. Thank you for your support on these important issues. It is a pleasure to serve you in the Texas Legislature.


Phil King