Here’s How Texas Can Defend Israel
December 10, 2015
Texas’ tradition of leading the way in state-level exchange and relations with Israel extends back generations. Texas’ bilateral trade with Israel now exceeds half a billion dollars per year. Over the years we have lead trade missions, signed compacts and engaged in mutual development projects.
Unfortunately, a campaign has emerged that seeks to delegitimize our ally Israel and attack her through economic warfare. Leading groups, such as the Israel Allies Foundation, have documented this campaign, known as the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, and have revealed that it is largely driven by anti-Jewish bigotry. This BDS movement seeks to discriminate against Israelis and those who do business in Israel.
As you already know, Texas was one of the first states in the country to pursue Iran divestment legislation. Unfortunately, the Iran Nuclear deal placed before Congress and the American people was a bad deal. Our position on this matter has not changed. Texas must never permit its funds to be invested in state sponsors of terror who seek the development and proliferation of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile technology.
Texas will not tolerate national-origin discrimination against Israel, which is precisely what BDS is. Efforts to inflict economic harm upon Texas’ trading partners weaken our state’s ability to conduct trade, and harm our vital social interests. BDS is not only Israel’s problem, its Texas’ problem as well.
I am hopeful that Texas will join other states around the country in protecting our economy, our taxpayer dollars and our great ally Israel from national origin discrimination. As a member of your state legislature I intend to file anti-BDS legislation in Texas at the earliest possible date. I chair the House committee on State and Federal Power and Responsibility and plan for the committee to make this issue a priority. Our state government should not enter into contracts with parties that engage in national origin discrimination against Israel, nor should we allow your tax dollars to be invested in them.
I am here to ask for your support. We the citizens must speak out and make our demands impossible to ignore. Whether it’s standing up for America and Israel in Washington DC, in Austin or in our own local communities, the future rests in our hands with God’s help.