Special Session Update

June 12, 2017


Abbott announced last week that the Legislature will be reconvened in a special session beginning July 18th. Unlike “regular” sessions which last 140 days and convene each odd number year, “special” sessions are called in 30 day increments. And unlike regular sessions, only topics put on the “call” by the governor may be considered.

Governor Abbott has placed 20 items on the special session call. I am delighted about a number of these topics which include:

  1. Reauthorization of the Texas Medical Board
  2. Teacher pay increase of $1,000
  3. Administrative flexibility in teacher hiring and retention practices
  4. School finance reform commission
  5. School choice for special needs students
  6. Property tax reform
  7. Caps on state and local spending
  8. Preventing cities from regulating what property owners do with trees on private land
  9. Preventing local governments from changing rules midway through construction projects
  10. Speeding up local government permitting process
  11. Municipal annexation reform
  12. Texting while driving preemption
  13. Privacy/Bathroom bill
  14. Prohibition of taxpayer dollars to collect union dues
  15. Prohibition of taxpayer funding for abortion providers
  16. Pro-life insurance reform
  17. Strengthening abortion reporting requirements when health complications arise
  18. Strengthening patient protections relating to do-not-resuscitate orders
  19. Cracking down on mail-in ballot fraud
  20. Extending maternal mortality task force

To watch Governor Abbott full press announcement on special session, click HERE.


As many of you know, I serve on the national board of directors for the American Legislative Exchange Council. At our annual meeting next month, we will officially launch a new Homeland Security Task Force. I will be serving as the public sector chair. I am looking forward to serving in this capacity as it compliments my background in law enforcement and my service in the Texas House as chairman of the Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee.

OTHER (and the most important) NEWS

Terry and I are pleased to announce that our 13th grandchild was born on May 20th. Jack Wayne Haye was born at 2:00 pm weighing in at 9lb 3oz, 21 inches long and bearing a full head of hair.