Legislative Accomplishments: Fair Funding of Elections & Supporting Texas Oil & Gas
June 7, 2021
This is my first installment on accomplishments in the recent Texas legislative session that adjourned May 31st. Much good work has been overlooked. However, there was also much left undone. So, when I finish this series, I’ll layout some things I believe the Texas Legislature must accomplish in the special sessions coming later this summer and early fall.
These first two bills, of which I am especially proud, are ones that I was also honored to carry in the House.
HB 2283 – Fair Funding Of Elections
During the 2020 general election, a $250 million donation from Mark Zuckerberg was given to the Center for Tech and Civil Life which then dispersed (soon called “Zuck Bucks”) to local government election offices for “COVID resources & protocols.” For example, $10 million was given to Harris County and $15 million to Dallas County where it was used without adequate public oversight and transparency. This is a very slippery slope and threatens election integrity. We must maintain the public’s confidence in the election process and safeguard our elections. HB 2283 will stop the unregulated private funding of county elections offices and its potential for undue influence on the election process.

SB 13 – Supporting Texas Oil & Gas Industry
The oil and gas industry accounts for 35% of Texas’ economy and Texas is America’s best hope for sustained energy independence. Yet there is a powerful growing movement calling for financial institutions and large companies to essentially boycott businesses in Texas’ fossil fuel industry. Environmental activists increasingly demand that large corporations and lenders base their business decisions on environmental/political factors rather than fiduciary considerations. SB 13 will prohibit hundreds of billions in state funds (public retirement funds, etc.) from being invested in entities with anti-Texas agendas geared to hurt America’s energy independence and our Texas economy.
I’ll continue this series with another installment in just a few days.
Thank you,