Education Reform, DOGE, Remembering the Holocaust, Ten Commandments
February 1, 2025
I hope everyone is enjoying this brief respite from cold winter weather and the needed rains from this past week. It looks like we will begin the week with sunshine and temps in the 70s and possibly the 80’s in some parts of SD 10. Enjoy! In the meantime, here’s an update on what is happening in your state capitol.
Establishing Education Savings Accounts: SB 2 Passes Out of Senate Education Committee

On Tuesday, I voted to pass SB 2, the Texas Education Freedom Act, out of the Senate Education K-16 Committee. We expect this school choice bill will be voted out of the full Texas Senate this coming week. As you know, last session this bill died in the Texas House, but we have hopes that it will pass during this new session.
Texas is normally a leader in conservative reforms, but sadly in this area we are way behind. Did you know that 34 other states have empowered families with education freedom? Families can access school choice programs in these states and it’s past time for Texas to create a universal education savings account program. SB 2 makes it clear that parents make the decision concerning one of the most important issues in their child’s life: how and where they are educated.
SB 2 will provide nearly 100,000 students with the opportunity to benefit from an Education Savings Account. SB 2 includes anti-fraud safeguards, mandatory criminal history checks for vendors, rigorous reporting requirements, and robust data protections. This will be the largest initial education choice rollout for any state.
With this bold legislation, Texas will move to the head of the class as a national leader in providing education freedom to families.

Ten Commandments Bill Named Top 10 Priority Bill
This week, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick released his list of top 25 bills receiving priority status in the Texas Senate; an additional 15 priority bills will be released soon. I’m pleased that my bill to restore the Ten Commandments in Texas classrooms was named as priority bill number ten. As I have stated previously, this bill is about restoring religious liberties that have been lost, liberties that were a bedrock of America’s founding until a 1971 court decision which rolled them back. Texas students will once again be reminded of a fundamental foundation of American and Texas law: the Ten Commandments.
DOGE: Senate Economic Development Committee to Lead Government Efficiency Efforts
I learned that the Economic Development Committee, which I have the privilege of chairing, will be tasked with exploring ways to increase government efficiency and reform. This DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency) initiative will be soliciting ideas from citizens and businesses in the effort to ensure that state government is stewarding your taxpayer dollars in the best manner possible. More on this later.
Sponsoring Senate Resolution for Holocaust Remembrance Week

It was a powerful moment this week as the Texas Senate highlighted Holocaust Remembrance Day, which marked the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and death camp. In Texas, this week is also Holocaust Remembrance Week as we remember over six million Jewish victims of the brutal Nazi regime.
I introduced SR 15, a resolution commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Week and underscoring the work of the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission. This entity, established by the legislature, educates all Texans about the Holocaust and other genocides in an effort to dismantle antisemitism and prevent such future atrocities. It was very moving to hear heartfelt remarks from many of my colleagues from both parties. These senators shared their thoughts on why we must remember this horrific chapter in the history of mankind to ensure it never happens again. If you’d like to see the video, click on the image above, or on this link.

Texas Police Chiefs Association Meeting
On Wednesday, I was honored to welcome 85 police chiefs from across Texas to the Capitol for the Texas Police Chiefs Association Legislative Day. I’m proud to note that SD 10 resident Trevor Barnes, Chief of Police in Clyde (Callahan County) is this year’s statewide president. It was a pleasure to welcome him, his fellow officers and staff, and others who serve SD 10 including Mansfield Assistant Chief of Police Travis Waybourn. I also got to say hello to Carrie West, former Chief of Police in Willow Park. As a former police officer, I am especially grateful for the role these men and women play in their communities, working to keep us safe and free from harm.

More Meetings and Greetings

Matt and Kelly Ticzkus stopped by the SD 10 office on Tuesday. Matt was in town to testify before the Senate Committee on Education K-16 in support of school choice on behalf of the Texas Private Schools Association. Matt also serves on the Republican Party’s State Republican Executive Committee and on the Weatherford City Council. Thanks, Matt and Kelly, for saying hello.

I was able to say hello to Judge Nicki Harle from Callahan County and Judge John Viertel from Shackelford County. It’s always great to see county leadership from across SD 10 in their capitol and hear their counsel on issues that affect their counties back home.

I met with Public Utility Commission Chair Thomas Gleeson in my Capitol Office on Monday. As we explore ways to ensure that the Texas grid can keep up with our exploding growth, I look forward to continuing to work with Chair Gleeson on a range of issues this legislative session.
Governor Greg Abbott to Deliver State of the State Address

On Sunday, February 2nd, at 5 pm, Governor Greg Abbott will deliver his annual State of the State address. Nexstar Media Group Inc. television stations across Texas will carry the live telecast. For viewing in SD 10, the address will air on KDAF-TV (CW) in Dallas and on KTAB-TV (CBS) in Abilene.